No Caloies! FDA approved! Sweet! Made from sugar!
It sounds like a miracle -
the answer to all our weight problems.
OK! Let's start at the top.
A cup of Splenda contains 96 calories and 32 grams of carbohydrates. When a serving of food or beverage contains so little, it can be listed as 0. The fact is, there are so many products containing Splenda® that it is very possible, and even likely, that you could have a cup of Splenda a day. Each packet of Splenda contains 12 mg of sucralose. Calories are not the problem.
The FDA approved it. This does not make me feel unconcerned. FDA approval is based on a review of studies done by the manufacturers and presented ( in the best light, of course, - no negative reporting) to the FDA for review. Every company, manufacturer, and corporation thinks their product is the best and is willing to tell us that. But, is it?
Splenda was discovered in 1976 while scientists were trying to make a better pesticide. The FDA approved it for general use in 1999. There were only 110 limited animal and clinical studies done. What took so long? Usually chemicals in this class are labeled as pesticides, so I guess they had a lot of work to do to get it to pass the standards. Dextrose and maltodextrin have been added since the original studies were done. I have to wonder what kind of regulations there are.
"It tastes like sugar because it's made from sugar".
Sugar is sucrose, Splenda is sucralose. What's the difference?
Sucrose is a natural substance. Sucralose is sucrose that undergoes chemical processes to remove the hydrogen and oxygen and replace them with chlorine. You know, the same stuff we put in the pool that we tell our children not to drink.
It has been suggested that the chloro in Splenda is just like salt. Ha!
Chlorine is dangerous and poisonous to all lifeforms. Chloride, in small quantities, is necessary for human health. Salt is sodium chloride. See the difference?
Sucralose is an additive - not a sugar.
The makers of Splenda also say that the calories cannot be metabolized by the body. The FDA says that 11% to 27% does get metabolized. So, where do we think it goes? It concentrates in the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract!
How much is safe? Short answer - none.
The FDA says 5 mg/kg of body weight per day is safe.
Divide your body weight by 2.2 to change lbs. to kg, then multiply by 5 to get your safe amount.
If you weigh 200 lbs, divide by 2.2 to get 91, multiply by 5 and your safe amount is 455 mg.
Splenda is found in over 4,500 food and beverage products -
many targeted to children. How safe do you think that is?
For a partial list of foods and beverages containing Splenda, please visit our website: RapidWeightLossExpert.com
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