Friday, April 6, 2012

Low-Cal & Low-Fat Foods Can Make You Gain Weight!

Can this be true?  You bet.           

When we put food or drink into our mouths, our brains are signaled that calories are coming.  The brain gears up for the job.  When little or no calories come in, the brain will kick into "starvation mode" and start to store the few calories as fat and slows the metabolism so that less calories are burned.

More and more sugar and fat substitutes are on the market.  They are in too many of our foods.  These chemical substitutes are even in the food we feed our children and infants.  So, more and more people are getting fatter and fatter at a younger and younger age.

Work with your brain and your body to lose weight.  Stick to natural sugars, natural fats and natural foods.  Don't eat low-calorie or no-calorie foods all day because they have no calories - this slows your metabolism so that you don't burn calories.  Eat balanced meals and snacks with natural foods.

Your body and your waistline will thank you for it!

For more information, please visit Rapid Weight Loss Expert

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