Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sweet 'n Low

Through the years, saccharin was required to have warnings on the label but these have since been removed.  Over 30 extensive studies have been done to ascertain the safety of saccharin.  None of the studies has ever proved that saccharin is harmful.

Although Sweet 'n Low is labeled as having zero calories, one packet of Sweet 'n Low actually contains 4 calories.  It is not metabolized in the body and does not raise blood sugar.  

There may be some side effects related to the use of Sweet 'n Low such as headaches, diarrhea, rashes, hives, wheezing, eczema, and excessive urination.  This product may also cause muscle dysfunction in infants.  Sweet 'n Low can pass through to the placenta and breast milk, so pregnant and nursing women should speak to their doctors about saccharin use.

Of all the artificial sweeteners, saccharin seems to be the safest.

For more information about Sweet 'n Low and a list of products that contain saccharin, please visit www.RapidWeightLossExpert.com